I have been Zippy-Zapped again. I will have a package out to you soon.
No Zippy-Zapping would be complete without minor league cards and a Sega Card Gen. I love the Pedroia photo. The Buchholz is a wantlist hit, so that's great. Of particular note though are the minor league issues. Gilberto Jimenez is a name to remember. He has been tearing up the league and is now Boston's #6 prospect. Decker is also a pretty decent prospect.
Also included was this weird thing. I have no idea why this was there, but okay. Thanks Kenny!
As fun as this NYPL Top Prospects + Sega Card Gen combo has been, I'm afraid that my Sega Card Gen well for the Red Sox has finally run dry. It was a good run though, I'm glad the dynamic lasted as long as it did. Hopefully what comes along next will be just as fun. As for the Time card, I meant to send you the calendar card (you never know when such a thing might be needed when tucked away in a suitcase) earlier in the year but forgot. So I sent it now when the year is already three quarters over with lol.